Creating a Project

Before creating a project, set up this information:

  • Project parameters (Default and General)
  • Project types
  • Project cost codes
Note:  The following steps cover only the basic requirements to create a record.
  1. On the Projects form, select Actions > New to add a new project.
  2. Enter a project number in the Project field, or let the system choose a number for you when you save the record.
  3. Enter the date when the project was entered into the system or accept the default value of the system date.
  4. Select the project type in the Type field.
  5. On the Address tab, select a Customer and Ship To number.
    Note:  If the Customer field is left blank, you must choose a project type that is non-billable.
  6. On the General tab, select the product code in the Product Code field.
  7. On the General tab, enter a date range in the Start Date and End Date fields.
  8. You can also specify this information for the project on this form:
    • Whether or not to track changes to a project
    • The overhead rate
    • The G & A rate
    • The WIP relief method
    • the milestone cost calculation method and percentage
    • Choose the milestone revenue calculation method and percentage
    • Enter the planned cost
    • Decide whether or not to auto nominate invoice milestones
    • Choose the invoice method
    • Choose the invoice terms
    • Choose an exchange rate if applicable
    • Choose the retention code and retention terms
    • Choose tax information
  9. Select Actions > Save to save the project record.