Project Tasks

Use this form to add tasks to projects.

When you open the Project Tasks form, the system looks at your default schedule and determines the type of calendar to use if you export your data into MS Project.

Note:  A project task cannot be deleted after project labor transactions have been posted against it.

For more information about using MS Project withSyteLine, see Microsoft Project Integration. For information about using MS Project Online withSyteLine, see Microsoft Project Online Integration.

Use the information on these tabs:

  • The MS Project tab provides an interface with Microsoft Project. The interface uses ActiveX automation, so a version of MS Project that can act as an ActiveX server is required on the client machine.
  • Use the MS Work Resources tab to define work resources for a task.
  • The WBS tab contains a read-only grid showing the Work Breakdown Structure and the WBS description.
  • The WIP tab shows all the account numbers based on the product code from the General tab of the Projects form.
  • In the WIP Relieved tab, WIP is only relieved at the task level when using a WIP Relief Method of Manual or Shipment. Choose the WIP relief method on the WIP Relief tab of the Projects form. When the WIP Relief Method is Revenue Recognition, the WIP is only relieved at the Project Header level.
  • The information on the % Complete Details tab differs from the % Complete tab in that it is broken down by cost code and monthly period, giving you even more detail than is on the % Complete tab.

The Actions menu includes options to filter the data to show only project tasks where the start date is 7, 14 or 30 days in the future, and an option to show only project tasks where the start date is any number of days in the past.