Project Margin Analysis Report

This report compares actual costs and revenues with projected costs and revenues for one or more projects.

For each project that is included, this information is displayed:

  • Actual costs to date
  • Projected cost to complete the project
  • Projected revenue
  • Projected margin
  • Actual revenue to date
  • Current margin
  • Current margin as a percent of revenue to date
  • Revenue to date as a percent of projected revenue

The report also includes grand totals of these amounts for all projects in the report range. The report takes into account all project tasks, including any tied purchase orders, jobs, and sundry charges.

The projected margin is calculated using this equation:



  • PM is Projected Margin
  • PR is Projected Revenue
  • APCTD is Actual Project Costs To Date
  • PCTC is Projected Cost To Complete