WIP Relief Method

On the Project Parameters form, choose a method in the WIP Relief Method field to set the default in the WIP Relief Method field on the WIP Relief tab of the Projects form.

Select from these WIP relief methods:

  • Shipment: Use the shipment method to relieve cost when a resource is shipped. Once the shipment occurs, Work in Progress (WIP) is relieved to the appropriate Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) accounts at the next run of the Print/Post Project WIP Relief activity.
  • Manual: Use the manual method to manually relieve WIP to the appropriate COGS accounts at the next run of the Print/Post Project WIP Relief activity.
  • Revenue Recognition: Use the revenue recognition method to relieve WIP and recognize revenue using revenue milestones. When you use this method, it is not necessary to set up a customer order to process a project.

The WIP relief method chosen on the Projects form displays in the WIP Relief Method field on the Project WIP Adjustments form.