
Select the project from the drop-down list.

On the Estimate Projects, Estimate Project Tasks, Estimate Project Resources, Project Milestone Events, and Estimate Revenue Milestones forms, the estimate project number displays in the header. If you chose EP as the estimate projects prefix on the Project Parameters form, numbers will be EP00000001, EP00000002 and so on.

On the Projects, Project Tasks, Project Resources, Revenue Milestones, Project WIP Adjustments, and Project Resource Shipping forms, the project number displays in the header. If you chose PJ as your prefix on the Project Parameters form, numbers will be PJ00001, PJ00002 and so on.

On the Invoice Milestones, Revenue Milestones, Estimate Invoice Milestones, and Estimate Revenue Milestones forms, if the WBS field is populated, the available items in the Project field are listed on the Work Breakdown Structures form for the WBS (the project is listed as a reference type on the Items tab of the Work Breakdown Structures form) and on the Projects form, the WIP Relief Method is set to Revenue Recognition.

If you want the system to generate the number for you, do not enter data in the Project field. Upon save, the number appears in the field.

If you do not want the system to generate the numbers, you can enter up to ten alpha and numeric characters.

On the Estimate Revenue Milestones and Revenue Milestones forms, the project number is also on the Audit tab.

On the Posted Transaction - PRJ LBR form, the project number for the transaction displays