Percent Complete

On the Project Tasks form, the percent complete amount indicates what percent of the project has been completed by cost code. It is calculated by dividing the actual costs for each task by the budget costs for each task. If budget does not exist, actual costs are divided by forecast. This field will always display 0.00 on the Estimate Project Tasks and Estimate Project Resources forms.

On the % Complete tab of the Project Resources form, the percent complete is found by looking at the relationship between the budget and the Cost to Complete. For example, if the budget is 5000 and the Cost to Complete is 1000, the percent complete is 80% because 80% (4000) of the budgeted 5000 is complete. If budget does not exist, forecast is used instead.

On the % Complete tab of the Projects form, the percent complete is for the entire project organized by cost code.

On the % Complete tab of the Work Breakdown Structures form, the % Complete field displays the actual cost for the WBS organized by cost code.