Outside Cost

The data in this field comes from different places depending on which cost type, cost method and source are attached to the item. In all cases, the cost comes from the Cost Maint tab of the Item Costs form. Refer to the table below to determine whether the cost comes from the unit cost or current unit cost fields.

Cost Type Cost Method Source Unit Cost or Current Unit Cost
Actual Average Purchased Unit Cost
Standard Average Purchased Unit Cost
Actual Specific Purchased Unit Cost
Standard FIFO/LIFO Purchased Unit Cost
Actual FIFO/LIFO Manufactured Current Unit Cost
Standard FIFO/LIFO Manufactured Unit Cost
Actual Specific Manufactured Current Unit Cost
Standard Specific Manufactured Unit Cost
Actual FIFO/LIFO Purchased Unit Cost
Standard Specific Purchased Unit Cost
Actual Average Manufactured Unit Cost
Standard Average Manufactured Unit Cost
Standard Standard Manufactured Unit Cost
Standard Standard Purchased Unit Cost

The Accum Values Outside Cost field displays the outside cost generated by the Project Resource Transactions form. Accumulated costs cannot be changed on this form. On the Estimate Project Resources form, the Accum Values Outside Cost field is always 0.00000 because you can not run the Resource Transactions activity for an estimate project.