Forecast Unit Cost/Units/Cost (Eac)

This help topic covers three fields: Forecast Unit Cost, Forecast Units, and Forecast Cost. Not all of these fields are available from all the tabs that may link to this help topic. These fields, as detailed below, are found on these forms and tabs:

  • Project Tasks form, % Complete tab: Forecast Unit Cost, Forecast Units, and Forecast Cost fields appear on this tab.
  • Project Tasks form, % Complete Detail tab: The Forecast Cost field appears on this tab.
  • Project Resources form, % Complete tab: The Forecast Cost field appears on this tab.
  • Project Resources form, % Complete Detail tab: The Forecast Cost field appears on this tab.
  • Projects form, % Complete tab: The Forecast Cost field appears on this tab.
  • Projects form, % Complete Detail tab: The Forecast Cost field appears on this tab.
  • Estimate Project Resources form, % Complete tab: The Forecast Cost field appears on this tab.
  • Estimate Project Tasks form, % Complete tab: Forecast Unit Cost, Forecast Units, and Forecast Cost fields appear on this tab.
  • Work Breakdown Structures form, % Complete tab: The Forecast Cost field appears on this tab.
Note:  The Forecast Unit Cost and Forecast Units fields are only updatable if the Project Cost Codes option is selected. The Project Cost Codes option is available on all the tabs listed above except the % Complete tab on the Work Breakdown Structures form.

If you make a forecast change at a lower level, it is not be rolled up to a higher level. For example, if you change the forecast on the ENG code at the task level from $0 to $100, the cost is not rolled to the project level's copy of the ENG cost code.

In the Forecast Unit Cost field, enter the forecast amount for the unit cost. This amount is multiplied by the amount in the Units field.

If the cost code's Cost Class is Labor, the calculated cost displays in the Forecast Unit Cost field on the % Complete tab of the Project Tasks and Project Resources forms. If the cost code's Cost Class is anything other than Labor, no calculation displays.

In the Project Tasks form, the forecast cost (Estimate At Complete) amount is calculated by adding the forecast cost at the task level. These costs were determined by the project manager at the start of the project.

On the % Complete tab of the Projects form, the Forecast Cost field is organized by cost code for the entire project.

On the % Complete Details tab of the Projects form, the actual cost is organized by cost code and by month.

On the WBS Percent Complete form, the Actual Cost field displays the actual cost for the WBS organized by cost code.