End Date

On the Estimate Projects and Projects forms, select or enter the end date for the project or estimate project. Although this field is required to successfully add a project or estimate project, it is for your reference only.

On the Estimate Project Tasks and Project Tasks forms the End Date field is in three places:

  • On the project header
  • On the General tab
  • On the MS Project tab

The end date you entered on the Estimate Projects or Projects forms displays in the project header. On the General tab, enter the end date for the task. The end date on the General tab must be equal to or less than the end date on the Estimate Projects or Projects forms. You will receive a warning if it is not, but you will not be prohibited from proceeding. The end date you enter on the General tab also displays on the MS Project tab.

Note:  The end date displays the item due date or order date (whichever is greater) if this project or task is generated from a cross reference.

On all other forms, the end date displays from the Estimate Projects form or the Projects form. This is the end date for the project.