Actual Complete Date/Posted Date

The Actual Complete Date is the date that the milestone was nominated.

On the Estimate Revenue Milestones and Revenue Milestones forms, the Actual Complete Date field is on the General tab and on the Audit tab.

On the Estimate Revenue Milestones form, the Actual Complete Date field is always blank because costs and dates are not generated for estimate projects.

On the Revenue Milestone Nomination form, the actual complete date displays from the Revenue Milestones form.

On the Estimate Invoice Milestones and Invoice Milestones forms, the Posted Date field is on the General tab and on the Audit tab. On the Estimate Invoice Milestones form, the Posted Date field is always blank because you cannot invoice an estimate project. The field is there to remain consistent with the Invoice Milestones form. On the Invoice Milestones form, this field is display only.