Cross-Referencing a Project Resource to a Job Order
Cross-referencing creates a reference-only link between the project resource and the job order.
- On the Project Resources form, add a new resource to a project.
- On the Source tab, select Job in the Source field.
- To cross-reference the project resource to an existing job order, specify the job number in the unlabeled field next to the Source field. To create a new job and assign a particular job number,specify the job number. To create a new job and allow the system to assign a job number, leave the field blank.
- If your planning mode is APS, select or clear the Plan on Save field.
- Select to save the record.
- Click . The message "Cross-reference will be performed from the Project Resource to Job" displays.
- Click . The system automatically creates the job order and inserts the job number into the Reference field.
- Optional: You can click again to display the cross-referenced job order.
- To create sub-jobs for subassemblies that are cross-referenced to the project resource, open the Copy Routing BOM form.
- In the From Category field, select Current (to use the current routing/BOM to create the sub-jobs; to use a different job's routing/BOM, select Job).
- In the Copy Indented BOM field, select Yes.
- In the Item field, select the item number from which to copy the current routing/BOM (if you selected Job in the Category field, select the job from which to copy the job routing/BOM in the Job field.)
- In the To Category field, select Job.
- In the Job field, specify the ID of the job to which you cross-referenced the project resource in the previous steps.
- Click . This activity copies the routing/BOM to the cross-referenced parent job and creates sub-jobs for each subassembly in the routing/BOM. The sub-jobs will not have Start or End dates until you run the APS Planning activity or perform Get ATP/CTP on the customer order line.
Note: You can cross-reference to a range of jobs using the
Material Planner Workbench form.