Selecting a Vendor for a RFQ

After all the vendor quotations have been received for an individual RFQ line item, select a winning vendor to fill the request. You can select a different vendor for each line item of a RFQ.

  1. Open the RFQs form.
  2. Select the RFQ number for which you want to select a vendor.
  3. Click Select Vendor.
    The RFQ Vendor Selection form opens.
  4. For each RFQ line, specify the Selected Quantity and Selected Vendor.
  5. Clear the Select check box for any RFQ lines that you are not currently selecting a vendor for.
  6. Optionally, click Find Best to display the vendor that is charging the lowest price in the Vendor Pricing grid.
    Note: If more than one vendor has the same minimum price, then lead times will determine the winning vendor.
  7. Click Save.