Generating the RFQ Quotes by Vendor Report

  1. Open the RFQ Quotes By Vendor form.
  2. For these fields, select the range of values to include in the report:
    • Vendor
    • RFQ
    • Product Code
    • Item
  3. Specify this information:
    Send Distribution Method
    Select the method that you want to use to send the report:
    • Email
    • Fax
    • Web
    • Print Queue
    Include Sent RFQs
    Select this check box if you want to include previously sent RFQs in the report.
    Page Break Between RFQs
    Select this check box to start a new page for each separate RFQ.
  4. Select List and click Process to list in the grid the results that will be included for the report.
  5. In the grid, select the records that you want to include in the report, or click Select All to include all records.
  6. Select Preview and click Process to view the results before printing the report.
  7. Select Commit and click Process to print the report and post the information.