Entering a Vendor Record

Enter a vendor record to help track and control all subsequent transactions with the vendor.

  1. Open the Vendors form, or the Multi-Site Vendors form if you are working in a master site.
  2. Turn off filter-in-place mode.
  3. Select Actions > New.
  4. Specify this information:
    Specify a unique number, string of characters, or combination of characters and numbers to represent the vendor. If you do not enter a value, the system assigns the next unique numerical value automatically. If you set up a vendor prefix in the Accounts Payable Parameters form, the system prefixes the vendor number with that prefix. The combined prefix and number cannot be longer than the character limit on the field.
    (Company Name)
    In the field beside the vendor number, enter the vendor's company name. This name is displayed on reports and payments.
    If you are working in the Multi-Site Vendors form, specify the site at which this vendor will be added.
    Select the appropriate category for this vendor, if necessary.
    Specify the vendor's mailing address.
    Note:  For DAS2 vendors, the Address [1] field is used to populate street number and street name fields on the DAS2 declaration form. See the topic on Generating DAS2 Declaration Forms.
    Specify the vendor default currency. The default value is your company's domestic currency.

    You can enter additional currencies for the vendor, if needed, by using the Currency Codes tab on this form or the Vendor Currency Codes form.

    Bank Code
    Select a valid bank code for the vendor. This code represents the default bank account where the vendor's checks or drafts are deposited. Bank Codes set up with domestic currency or vendor currency are allowed.
    Specify any identifier to indicate the vendor's status.
    Select a valid payment term code.
    Payment Type
    Select the type of payment to be used as the default value on A/P payments. If the payment type is EFT, enter additional electronic funds transfer information for the vendor. For more information, see the topic on Setting up and Using Electronic Funds Transfer.
    Voucher Tolerance Over
    Specify the upper tolerance factor percentage.
    Voucher Tolerance Under
    Specify the lower tolerance factor percentage.
    Auto Voucher Method
    Specify an automatic vouchering method.
    Vendor Contract Pricing
    Select the method to use for vendor contract pricing.
    Note: You can change the vendor contract pricing option more than once. Changing the option from Use Order Date to Use Due Date does not affect orders already created.
    (Tax or Fed ID)
    In the [Tax ID] and [Tax Codes] fields, enter the tax registration number (if any) and tax code (if any) associated with [Tax System (1)] and [Tax System (2)] for this vendor. On the Vendors form, these fields are on the Taxes tab. They do not exist on the Multi-Site Vendors form.
    Print VAT on PO
    To print VAT amounts and VAT codes on purchase orders, select this check box. On the Vendors form, this field is on the Taxes tab. It does not exist on the Multi-Site Vendors form.
  5. If you must submit DIOT and IETU reports, specify the Tax Reg Num Type and Vendor DIOT Type. These fields are enabled only if MexicanCountryPack is enabled on the Optional Modules form.
  6. If the vendor is a member of the European Union (EU), enter the EU Code, Branch ID, NOTC, Delivery Terms, and Process Indicator. On the Vendors form, these fields are on the Taxes tab. On the Multi-Site Vendors form, they are on the EU VAT tab.
  7. You can enter address and contact information, which is displayed on reports and payments.
    Note:  For DAS2 vendors, the Contact field is used to populate last name and first name fields on the DAS2 declaration form. See the topic about Generating DAS2 Declaration Forms.
  8. If the vendor should be set up for DAS2 reporting, specify the requested information in the Fiscal Reporting area of the form. See Setting Up Vendors for DAS2 Reporting.
  9. Select Actions > Save.