Creating and Approving a Purchase Order Requisition

You can manually create a PO requisition, or the requisition can be created by cross-referencing from a customer order, transfer order, BOM, or job. A planned order can also be firmed into a PO requisition.

To manually create a PO requisition, perform these steps:

  1. On the Purchase Order Requisitions form, select Actions > New to add a purchase order requisition header.
  2. Enter data in these fields:
    • Requisition: Enter the requisition number or accept the default provided when you save the record.
    • Date: Enter a date or accept the default of today's date.
    • Status: Leave the status as Requested.
    • Requester: Select the name of the person requesting the items to be requisitioned, or accept the default of your user name.
    • Approver: Select the name of the person who approves the PO requisition. (This is provided as information and is not verified when the requisition is approved.)
    • Warehouse: Select the warehouse where the purchased goods should be delivered, or accept the default.
  3. Save the record.
  4. Click the Lines button to open the Purchase Order Requisition Lines form.
  5. To enter a line on the Purchase Order Requisition Lines form, select Actions > New.
  6. Enter data in these fields:
    • Item: Select or enter an item number. (The item does not have to be listed in the Items form. You can create a PO requisition for non-inventoried items.)
    • Due Date: Select the date by which the item should be received.

      Note:  If you change the date to a new due date and the vendor contract pricing method is based on the Purchase Order Due Date, a message displays stating that changing the due date impacts the cost and asks if you want to recalculate the cost.
    • Requisition Code: Select a code that describes the reason for the requisition.
    • Warehouse: Select the warehouse where the purchased goods should be delivered, or accept the default.
    • Ordered: Enter the quantity of the item to order, and the unit of measure, if not defaulted.
    • Other information: The tabs in the lower part of the form contain information such as the G/L account number, the buyer, the vendor number (which populates automatically if a vendor-item cross-reference exists), and the planned unit cost. In addition, the Origin Ref field references the origin of this requisition.
  7. Save the line record and add other lines as needed.
Once a Purchase Order Requisition Line has been saved, a user with the proper authorization levels (usually set using the default group Purchase Requisitions Approval) can open the PO Requisition Line record and change the status to "Approved." The approver's PO Req Limit and PO Req Line Limit (on the Users form) must be large enough to include the amount of this requisition line. A user with the proper authorization levels can also use the Change PO Requisition Line Status utility to change the status to Approved, Disapproved, and so on.
Note: Once a requisition line has been set to Approved, you can no longer modify the costs.

Use the Convert PO Requisition activity to create PO line items from PO requisition lines that have been approved.