Purchase Order Landed Costs

Use this form to specify this information for each of the landed costs:

  • The expected vendor
  • The estimated amount for duty, freight, brokerage, insurance, and/or local freight
  • The allocation type, and whether to specify an allocation method or an allocation percent

Actual landed cost amounts will be updated when you generate a landed cost voucher.

Separate vouchering of landed costs allows you to voucher freight, duty, brokerage, insurance, and local freight separately from your material costs. Instead of automatically vouchering landed costs to the vendor from whom you are buying goods, you can voucher individual freight companies, for example, when they bill you directly for their services.

At the time of PO receipt, two PO receipt records will be created, one for the material goods and one for the landed costs. The Generate A/P Transactions function will generate vouchers for the material only. To generate vouchers for the landed cost receipts, you must use the Generate Landed Cost Vouchers form.

You may specify different allocation methods for each landed cost category. Each category will be consistently calculated within the PO.

The Allocate Landed Costs activity is accessible from the Actions menu.