Purchase Order Builder

Use this form to enter purchase orders for different sites. After you process the POs in this form, they are posted to the appropriate site, where you can maintain them. No maintenance of existing POs can be done from this form.

The fields displayed in the Item tab are similar to those in the Purchase Order Lines form. The information shown in the grid is the same the information in the detail footer, except for the To Site field.

The fields in the Planning tab are similar to those in the Planning Detail form. The information shown in the grid is the same as the information in the detail footer, except for the Select and To Site fields. To populate the grid, click the Load Planning Detail button. This displays the Purchase Order Builder Planning Filter dialog, where you specify information about the desired site, group, starting and ending items, planner number, and record cap to be displayed in this grid.

For more information, see Creating Multi-Site Purchase Orders with the Purchase Order Builder.