Goods Receiving Notes Lines

Use this form to create GRN lines.

GRN lines are created in one of these ways:

  • Enter all line data on the Goods Receiving Notes Lines form.
  • On the EDI Vendor Profiles form, select the Generate GRN from Ship Notice? check box to automatically create a GRN record when an Advanced Ship Notice (ASN) is sent by a vendor. The GRN line is created from the EDI ASN line data.
  • At receiving. Select the GRN Receipt check box on the Purchase Order Receiving form and enter an alphanumeric identifier for the GRN number in the GRN field. After you add the purchase orders for this vendor and then receive, the GRN lines appear on the Goods Receiving Notes Lines form.
  • Run the Generate Goods Receiving Note Lines activity. This activity allows you to generate Goods Receiving Line records for non-electronic ASN transactions. You can add GRN Lines from either purchase orders or posted receipts.

The Actions menu includes these options: