Change Vendor Contract Price Status Utility

Use this utility to mass approve vendor contract price records. You can specify criteria to find a range of records, based on vendor, item, and/or effective date, or leave the starting and ending fields blank to find all pending records.

Select Preview and then click Process to preview the record set in the grid. The grid includes a Message field that displays a warning if you are about to overwrite an existing approved contract price for the same vendor, item, and effective date combination.

When you are ready to approve all records in the grid, select Commit and then cilck Process.

To find a range of vendor contract price records to change from pending to approved, you can search by vendor and/or item and/or effective date.

If there is already an approved contract price for the same vendor, item, and effective date combination, this utility overwrites the existing approved contract break quantities and break prices with data from the pending contract. The Preview option shows the approved status contract prices that will be overwritten during the Commit process.