
On the Vendors or Multi-Site Vendors forms, enter the number used to identify the vendor.

Note:  If the Show in Drop-Down Lists check box on the Vendors form is cleared for a vendor, it will not display in this field. However, you may manually enter the vendor without causing an error.

If you are adding a new vendor, this field defaults to the next available vendor number. If you are using a vendor prefix (set in the Accounts Payable Parameters form), The system looks for the last number that begins with the prefix and ends with a numeric digit and adds a one to it. The system ignores numbers that contain alphabetic characters after the prefix. If you are not using a prefix, the system looks for the largest number and adds one to it.

Note:  If you specify a number and the number contains a special character which is the same as the current default wildcard character, you must change the wildcard character. Refer to Using Wildcard Characters for additional information.

On the Move Local Vendors form, select the current vendor to move.

On the Generate A/P Transactions form, the vendor number displays if a vendor contract has been set up. This field can be overwritten.

On the Goods Receiving Notes form, the vendor number associated with the current record displays. If you are creating a new GRN record, select a vendor from the drop-down menu.

On the Generate Landed Cost Vouchers form, the vendor and other filter criteria must be specified before you click the filter button.

On other forms, the current vendor number displays or can be selected.