
Select the number of the vendor from whom the items are to be purchased. (The vendor numbers are defined on the Vendors form.) The vendor name and some other fields on the Purchase Order header display default values with information from the Vendors form.

Note:  If the Show in Drop-Down Lists check box on the Vendors form is cleared for a vendor, it will not display in this field. However, you may manually enter the vendor without causing an error.

On the (History) Purchase Order Landed Costs form, the vendor number for which the landed costs are associated displays and is view only.

On the Purchase Order Receiving form, when you right click and select Find By GRN, it will bring up the Goods Receiving Notes Query form, but it will only show GRNs that have a status of In Process that are for the current warehouse.

Note:  This field is disabled when the Find By Purchase Order Number check box is selected on the Purchase Order Receiving form.

On the Tax Free Import Items form, the number of the vendor from whom the items were purchased displays. This field is labeled Source and is display only.

On the Purchase Order Document Lifecycle form, the number of the vendor associated with the purchase order is displayed.