Unlinked Reference

The Unlinked Reference check box indicates that a destination reference for a supply order or demand order has been deleted or changed. The system selects the check box when the reference becomes unlinked.


The customer service representative enters a customer order line item and cross references it to a job order using the Destination field. The system creates a job tied to the line item and displays the destination reference on the Customer Order Lines form.

After a reference is created, you can change it by either removing the line item or changing the destination reference information, thus deleting this original reference. When this happens, the system displays a warning message that the reference will be unlinked. On the Job Orders form, the Unlinked Reference check box is selected.

You can filter on this check box to get a list of all the unlinked records and do the following:

  • Clear the check box so that the record is no longer unlinked. There is no indication in the system that the record was ever referenced.
  • Delete the supply record.
  • Leave the check box selected.