Total Cost

The total cost for the entire PO displays. It is the sum of:

  • all line/release costs
  • cumulative Misc Chgs
  • cumulative Sales Tax
  • cumulative Freight
  • cumulative Brokerage
  • cumulative Duty
  • cumulative Insurance
  • cumulative Local Freight
Note:  The line/release costs portion of the Tot Cost field are calculated as follows: (Qty unvouchered * PO Unit Cost) + (Qty vouchered * PO Unit Material Cost). The system automatically calculates this field. It cannot be overwritten. The Total Cost field displays on some of the PO reports.

On the EDI Purchase Order Acknowledgments form, this field may be updated by a price change from the 855 transaction (if the Allow Item Cost Override field on the EDI Vendor Profiles form is enabled).