
The status of the purchase order requisition line item displays but can be overwritten.

  • Requested: The default for new requisitions, this status can be updated.
  • Approved: Indicates that the line item has been validated by the Approver. Once the status is manually changed to Approved, you can then update the status to Requested or Stopped. It will be changed to Converted when the Convert PO Requisitions to Purchase Orders Utility is run.
  • Disapproved: Indicates that the line item has been validated by the Approver. The line item can then be updated to Requested, Approved, or History.
  • Stopped: An intermediate state before approval or disapproval are under consideration. The line can then be updated to Requested, Approved, Disapproved, or History.
  • Converted: A purchase order has been created through running the Convert PO Requisitions to Purchase Orders Utility.
  • History: The line requires no further activity.