
On the Purchase Order Lines form, select the status of the line.

The valid status codes are:

  • Planned: If the line/release is added, but not ordered, (for example, if a purchase order has not been printed for the line/release), it has a status of Planned.
  • Ordered: When the purchase order is printed, the status automatically changes to Ordered. Changing a line/release status to Ordered triggers the header status to change to Ordered if it had been Planned and increases the inventory on-order value for the Item. Ordered line/releases are Available To Receive items. These line/release numbers are pre-filled on the receiving form. You may manually overwrite this safety feature by entering a line/release number, as in the case of returns against a Filled line/release. But for automatic, system-generated receiving, only line/releases with a status of Ordered are considered.
  • Filled: The line/release is fully received (quantity received - quantity returned = quantity ordered). The system's receiving function recognizes when this state is reached and automatically changes the line/release status to Filled. If the status is manually changed to Filled, the inventory on-order value decreases by the quantity not yet received. If a Filled line/release has items returned, the system recognizes that the line/release is no longer Filled and the status changes back to Ordered. The Filled line/release numbers pre-fill on the receiving form, if there are no Ordered line/releases available. However, Filled line/releases are not available for automatic, system-generated receiving.

Filled and Ordered line/releases are eligible for vouchering. They are the line/releases that display on the Generate A/P Voucher form.

You may also manually change the status from Filled to Ordered, thereby making the purchase order available for automatic receiving. At this time, the inventory on-order value is increased by the quantity not yet received.

  • Complete: The line/release is not open for any future processing, including vouchering. This status is particularly useful for reporting purposes.

As a line/release status change to Complete, vendor/Item data is updated along with inventory on-order balance if the line/release is not fully received.

When the last Filled line/release is changed to Complete, the system asks whether to change the order status to Complete.