PO Tolerance Over

The PO Tolerance Over field can be blank, 0, or any positive number. This determines what quantities can be received above the ordered quantity. When PO Tolerance Over field is blank, you may receive any quantity above the ordered quantity. When it is 0, you receive what has been ordered, and nothing more. When it is a positive number, you may receive up to that upper tolerance limit (receiving a warning message); beyond the tolerance limit, the system displays an error message.

When a new item is added to the system and the item's Source field is set to Purchased, the PO Tolerance Over value from the Purchasing Parameters form serves as the default value on the Items or Multi-Site Items form. You can then specify a new tolerance factor for the item by entering a new value. The value on the Purchasing Parameters form is only used as the initial default for the Items form and is not used during PO receiving.

When the Source field for an existing item is changed to Purchased, the PO Tolerance Over field is enabled on the Items or Multi-Site Items form. When the Source field for an existing item is changed from Purchased to something else, the PO Tolerance Over field value is set to a null value and the field is disabled.