
Select the destination of the demand. You may need to enter up to four pieces of information for this reference:

  • The reference type. Valid options are:
    • Inventory: The item is being purchased so that it can be placed in inventory.
    • Job: The item is being purchased to satisfy a job requirement.
    • Order: The item is being purchased to satisfy a customer order requirement.
    • Transfer: The item is being purchased for a transfer.
    • Project: The item is being purchased for a project.
    • SRO: The item is being purchased for a service order.
  • The destination reference number (for all reference types except Inventory.) If the reference type is Job, this number is the job number. If the reference type is Order, this number is the customer order number. If the reference type is Transfer, this number is the transfer number. If the reference type is Project, this number is the project number. If the reference type is SRO, this number is the SRO number.
  • The destination reference line number. Enter this field for types Job, Order, and Transfer. If the reference type is Job, this number is the job suffix number. If the reference type is Order, this number is the customer order line number. If the reference type is Transfer, this number is the transfer order line item number. If the reference type is SRO, this number is the SRO line number.
  • The destination reference release number. Enter this field for types Job and Order. If the reference type is Job, this number is the job operation number. If the reference type is Order and the CO is a blanket, this number is the release number. If the reference type is SRO, this number is the SRO operation number.

This table displays what happens when you click the Source or Destination buttons on different forms:

Using the Source or Destination button on this form... Creates a PO Req of Type:
Customer Order Lines Order
Job Materials Job
Project Resources Project
SRO Transactions SRO
Time Phased Inventory Status Inventory
Transfer Order Lines Transfer
Note:  If you delete or update the reference information in this field, the system displays a message indicating the cross-reference will be unlinked.