
Select the status of this blanket-line. The default option is Planned. Valid entries are:

  • Planned: All the line/releases associated with it are in the planned state. As soon as one line/release status becomes Ordered (a purchase order has been printed for the line/release), the blanket-line status changes to Ordered.
  • Ordered: Holds line/releases in any mix: P, O, C.
  • Complete: Holds line/releases that are all complete. For the blanket-line status to qualify for Complete status, the following should be true:
    • QV = QRD - QRT where
    • QV = quantity vouchered
    • QRD = quantity received
    • QRT = quantity returned for all line releases associated with it

If you change the PO-blanket status to Complete and all the associated line/release are not currently Complete, the system:

  1. Checks all line releases associated with the blanket line to see if they are eligible to change to a Complete status.
    1. As the system finds a line release that qualifies for a Complete status, it changes the status to C.
    2. As the system finds a line release that does not qualify, a message displays with a pause. The system continues to go through all line/releases for the blanket-line and displays the above message, so you know which line/releases status did not change.
    3. After checking each line release, if any line release does not qualify, a final message displays with a pause.
  2. If all line releases qualify:
    1. All the line releases for the blanket line are changed to a Complete status.
    2. After all line releases have their status changed to Complete, the blanket line status changes to Complete.

When the last ordered blanket-line has been changed to Complete, you receive a prompt to change the order status to Complete.