G/L Account

For purchased items not defined on the Items form (for example, supplies), specify the account number to use as the debit account for posting as the items are received. The system uses the purchases account specified on the Vendors or Multi-Site Vendors form as the default purchases account. If the Purchases field on that form is blank, the system uses the one specified on the Accounts Payable Parameters form as the default. For non-inventoried items, account information is displayed on the vouchering forms.

Note:  The account number you specify must be a valid account number in the Chart of Accounts.

For inventoried items (that is, items defined on the Items form), this field is not enabled for use. When you receive an item, the system debits the inventory distribution accounts for the location into which the item is received. Those accounts are copied from the Distribution Accounts form when you create an item stockroom location for the item.