Fixed Rate

Based on the currency selected, this field uses the same value (selected or cleared) as on the Vendor Currency Codes form or Currency Codes tab on the Vendors form. You can update the value here if necessary, unless the selected currency is the domestic currency.

On the Purchase Orders and Purchase Orders Quick Entry froms, select this box to fix the rate for the purchase order and for all transactions later associated with the order, including vouchers and payments. Clear this box to allow the exchange rate to fluctuate with the market.

On the A/P Vouchers and Adjustments form, this check box can be used only if you are entering a voucher. Select the box to use a fixed rate or clear the box if you do not want to use a fixed rate. Selecting the check box fixes the rate for the life of the document.

On the A/P Quick Payment Application form, the setting associated with the selected transaction is displayed.