[Amount Label (2)]

On the Purchase Order Lines form Tax Info tab, this amount represents the amount of tax for Tax System 2 as it accumulates for the purchase order. This field is display only and is incremented when the purchase order is vouchered.

On the Customer Orders form, this amount represents the amount of tax on items which displays on the next invoice for Tax System 2. It is calculated using the Tax Code entered for Tax System 2 on the Tax Info tab. The amount is distributed to the G/L accounts associated with the Tax Code entered for Tax System 2.

On the Customer Order Lines form, this field displays the second user-defined tax amount label and defaults from the Customer Orders form.

On the Price Adjustment Invoice form, this field displays the sales tax calculated for the order for Tax System 2. The system recalculates and displays this amount after completion of each update of any field that is part of the tax calculation. The tax calculation is based on the Tax Codes entered on the CO header and CO line item forms.

This field displays only if a second tax system is defined.

Note:  The [Amount Label (2)] is a user-defined label. The form example displays Sales 2 as the field label.