Process Button

When you click the Process button, the following will occur:

  • One purchase order is created for each unique site in the Item and Planning grids.
  • Lines and releases for the purchase order(s) are created as follows:
    • If you selected a PO Type of Regular, the system creates a purchase order line for each row in the Item grid and each selected PLN record in the Planning grid. Records are combined into one PO line when the item, U/M and costs are the same.
    • If you selected a PO Type of Blanket and set Create As to Lines, the system processes each row in the Item grid and each selected PLN record in the Planning grid. This creates one PO Blanket Line record per site for each unique item, U/M and cost combination.
    • If you selected a PO Type of Blanket and set Create As to Release, the system processes each row in the Item grid and each selected PLN record in the Planning grid. This creates one PO blanket line record per site for each unique item, U/M and cost combination. The system also creates a new PO blanket release for each row.