Converting Vendor Records to the Euro

To convert the current and historical records to the Euro currency for your vendors that have switched to the Euro, follow these steps:

Note:  You can only convert customers that are currently set up as using Part of Euro currencies.
  1. Set up a currency code for the Euro.
  2. Enter the 1 Euro = exchange rates on the Currency Rates form for each currency code used by the vendors you are converting.
  3. Perform any voucher posting, check printing, wire posting, or draft posting for all vendors being converted. You must post all A/P transactions for these vendors before running the conversion utility.
  4. Access the Vendor Euro Currency Conversion utility.
  5. In the Starting and Ending fields, enter up to ten ranges of vendor numbers for which to convert to the Euro. The vendors you convert in one batch must all have the same currency code (convert vendors of a different currency code in a second batch).
  6. In the Currency Code field, enter the currency code for the vendors you are converting. For example, if you are converting vendors that previously used the French Franc, enter the currency code for the Franc that is defined on the Currency Codes form.
  7. See the Reports Overview for information about generating the report. The report lists the transactions converted, with the amounts in the old and new transaction currency and in the old and new domestic currency.