Creating Multi-Site Vouchers and Adjustments with the Voucher Builder

The records displayed in the Voucher Builder form are received purchase order lines that were processed in the Purchase Order Receiving form at the target sites.

If you select and process one of these records through the Voucher Builder, the vendor's invoice is entered into the Accounts Payable system, and a voucher is generated at the target site. If you change an existing voucher through the Voucher Builder, an adjustment is generated at the target site. The accounts payable vouchers that will be generated by the Voucher Builder can be edited later, to a limited extent, in the A/P Vouchers and Adjustments form at the target sites.

Note: The G/L Acct grid field is informational only, and does not apply to the current voucher.
  1. Open the Voucher Builder form.
  2. Filter for a specific vendor number, name, and/or currency (or leave all of these blank to view all vendors).

    The grid then displays all received but not yet vouchered purchase orders for the selected vendors. These purchase orders are from all sites replicating the Voucher Builder category with the site where Voucher Builder is being run.

    Data displayed includes the To Site (the target site where the PO was received and where the voucher/adjustment is going to be created), Builder PO originating site and Builder PO number (if applicable), PO number, PO line/release, item, quantities, unit of measure, and so on.

  3. Specify the Type of activity to perform. By default, the form displays POs for vouchering.

    If Type is set to Voucher, the form displays all received but not yet vouchered POs for specific vendors. You can provide total material value, total freight and miscellaneous charges, and total taxes (under certain conditions as specified in the Notes below). You can also provide freight, miscellaneous charges, and total taxes (under certain conditions) against individual POs.

    If Type is changed to Adjustment:

    • Select the Site in which a voucher has been posted to A/P Posted Transactions and against which this adjustment is to be created. This is also the site where the adjustment will be created.
    • Choose a Voucher number. The drop-down list displays available vouchers from the target site.
    • The grid displays all positive debit returns against which adjustments have not been created. Select the POs against which you want to create adjustments. An adjustment can be created for any voucher that was posted to A/P Posted Transactions.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • Use the Selected check box to select which POs should be included in the vouchers (or adjustment) that will be created at each site.
    • Use the Additional Selection fields at the bottom of the form to select a range of POs based on site, PO number, or line/release, and then click the Select Matching PO button to turn on the Selected field for those rows.
    Note:  The grid contains all possible records for a vendor. However, after you select one record, the system automatically disables some of the other records based on the following:
    • If the first selected row has a fixed rate, then only those rows that have the same fixed exchange rate are available to be selected.
    • If the first selected row has Include Tax in Cost turned on, then only those rows where Include Tax in Cost is turned on are available to be selected.

    You can click Deselect All to clear all selected rows and start the selection process over.

  5. On the PO line/releases in the grid, you can change the received quantity (To Vch/Adj) and the Unit Cost.
  6. Include Material, Freight Miscellaneous Charges, and taxes (under certain conditions as specified in the Notes below) from the vendor's invoice in the header fields. You can enter the Freight and Miscellaneous Charges in the grid for every selected PO Line; you can enter the Sales Tax and Sales Tax2 amounts in the grid for every selected PO line that meets the criteria mentioned in the Notes below. Then, when generating a voucher all freight, miscellaneous charges, and taxes (under certain conditions) for a PO will be summed up for a target site.

    A running total for the voucher displays in the Material, Freight, Misc Charges, and tax fields below the grid. These running totals are used to verify that entered values match the vendor's invoice values you entered in the header.

    When the voucher is generated, total freight per site will be created as a single distribution. Similarly, total miscellaneous charges and total taxes will be created as individual distributions.

  7. Click Generate to generate vouchers or adjustments for the selected records. When this button is clicked:
    • A new Builder Voucher number is generated. It is prefixed by the originating site's Builder Voucher prefix (from the Purchasing Parameters form). This Builder Voucher number value is set for all rows that were selected for this session where Builder Voucher number is blank.
    • The Builder Voucher originating site is set to the local site ID.
    • All selected data is copied from the local site to the target sites.
    • In every selected target site, the system creates vouchers, using the target site's data and the information passed from the Voucher Builder. The individual voucher numbers are based on voucher numbering at the target sites.
    • For vouchers, under the conditions outlined in the Notes below, taxes are generated at the target site, based either on PO and PO line/release tax codes at the target site, or on the amounts entered in this form.
    • For adjustments, one adjustment is created in the target site.
    • A message displays the Builder Voucher number that was generated and submitted.
  8. The collection is refreshed to display any POs that still need to be vouchered/adjusted for the selected vendor.
    Note:  If the process of creating a voucher is delayed in the target site, already submitted and yet to be vouchered PO receipts may still appear in the list.
  9. Repeat the above steps to create additional vouchers or adjustments.