About Multi-Site Vouchers and Adjustments in the Voucher Builder

Use the Voucher Builder form to create vouchers and adjustments for multiple sites, based on the sites' PO receipts and returns.

You can perform these tasks on the Voucher Builder form:

  • Create vouchers and adjustments for a single purchase order or for multiple purchase orders.
  • Generate multiple vouchers at a time; that is, vouchers may be created in more than one site, but one voucher per target site is created for all selected PO receipts for that target site. The effect is the same as creating vouchers in different target sites as if you were logged into those target sites.
  • Generate only one adjustment for a vendor at a time; that is, adjustments may be created in one target site at a time against an existing voucher in that site. The effect is the same as logging into the target site and creating adjustments.

To link multiple vouchers generated in different sites but created during one Voucher Builder generation, the generated vouchers include the originating site (where the Voucher Builder was run to create the voucher) and a Builder Voucher number. The combination of the originating site and Builder Voucher number is unique across all sites.


  • The following must match in the target sites and the site where the Voucher Builder is being run: base (domestic) currency, currency formats, quantity formats, and cost/price formats.
  • Vendors must be set up to use the same vendor number, address and currency code in both the target sites and the site where Voucher Builder is being run.
  • Exchange rates are not required to match. However, if you want to display values in domestic currency when executing the Vouchers Payable report, or if you want to see the same values when running the Voucher Builder Domestic Currency form at both the originating site and the target site, exchange rates must be the same.
  • Tax codes in the Voucher Builder grid are displayed from POs and PO Line/Releases at the target sites. If you want to see the tax code fields in the Voucher Builder, matching tax systems and tax codes must be set up in the Voucher Builder site and in the target sites.
  • Terms codes should match in the target sites and the Voucher Builder site, for this reason: the terms codes available in the Voucher Builder originating site are used when creating vouchers in target sites. If the terms code in the Voucher Builder originating site is not available in the target site, then when a voucher is created, the terms code from the Vendor record is used to calculate due and discount dates. (You can later manually update the due and discount dates in vouchers.)
  • The site running Voucher Builder and the target sites must all be replicating the Voucher Builder replication category to each other.


  • The Voucher Builder form does not allow you to do the following. These functions must be performed in individual sites:
    • Generate manual vouchers or manual adjustments.
    • Generate vouchers for POs associated with Goods Receiving Notes.
    • Generate vouchers for PO's associated with EDI.
    • Generate landed cost vouchers.
    • Attach voucher pre-registers to a voucher.
    • Generate or change taxes at the originating site, if the tax fields were not enabled in this form.
    • Consider PO change orders or their statuses.
  • Data in the Voucher Builder is not persistent. When you close the form, any unprocessed data is removed.
  • The Builder Voucher originating site and Builder Voucher number are not accessible in journal entries and G/L posted transactions. The Builder Voucher originating site's accounting periods are used to verify whether the G/L distribution date is valid, and are used to check for "enter out of date range" permissions. The G/L distribution date is not validated in the target site when a voucher or an adjustment is being created.
  • The combination of the Builder Voucher originating site and the Builder Voucher number keep vouchers generated from different sites with the same Builder Voucher number unique. The Builder Voucher number uses a prefix from the Purchasing Parameters form. If this prefix is set up differently in each site, the Builder Voucher number by itself is sufficient to maintain uniqueness across sites. For this reason, each site should set up a different Builder Voucher number prefix.
  • When a tax system is defined and Active for Purchasing is turned on at the target site, taxes (on material, freight and miscellaneous charges) will be generated based on the PO and PO Line/Release tax codes at the target site. In the Voucher Builder form, PO and PO Line/Release tax codes are displayed for reference only; you cannot modify tax codes or tax amounts within this form under these conditions. Tax on freight will be based on the first selected PO's tax codes. The same method is used for miscellaneous charges.

    For target sites where 1) a tax system is defined and 2) Active for Purchasing is turned off and 3) Include Tax in Cost is not selected for a purchase order, you can enter tax amounts for the PO in the Voucher Builder at the originating site. The tax amounts entered in the header can be allocated in the grid only to lines for sites where the three above conditions are true. Tax amounts for a site will be applied to the first PO for that site, similar to the way freight and miscellaneous charges are applied.

Error and Resubmission - Example

You click the Process button to create Builder Voucher 1 (which includes several site-specific vouchers) in SiteA for SiteA, SiteB and SiteC. If non-transactional replication is set up and the system returns an error stating that SiteB failed to create a voucher, most of the time you can just reprocess the record in SiteB's Replication Errors form.

However, if you receive the error message "Information has been changed by another user," you cannot reprocess the row. The only way to create that voucher is to recreate it, either through another session of the Voucher Builder, or manually at SiteB.

This means the voucher in SiteB will not be tied to the vouchers in SiteA and SiteC by the Builder Voucher number. Even if you use the Voucher Builder again, SiteB's voucher will have a new Builder Voucher number. However, the Vendor Invoice number can be set the same for all these vouchers, and that can be used to link all these vouchers.