Printing Builder Purchase Orders

Use the Builder Purchase Order Report to print or reprint purchase orders that have a Builder PO number assigned. These POs were created with the Purchase Order Builder. The regular Purchase Order Report form cannot print Builder purchase orders.

A Builder purchase order contains detail from subordinate purchase orders existing in potentially several different sites, all referencing the same builder purchase order number and originating site. It appears to the vendor as one purchase order, even though it contains detail from several related purchase orders.

Builder purchase orders look similar to regular purchase orders, with these exceptions:

  • One Builder purchase order printout is generated for each Builder purchase order number and originating site combination. The Builder purchase order output contains lines/releases from all of the associated purchase orders.
  • Some PO header field values may be different at different sites for the same Builder PO. Some header fields (for example, Contact and Buyer) print the value from the first PO included in the Builder PO. Other header fields that are specific to the individual site's PO (for example, Drop Ship address) print at the line level instead of the header level.
  • The Builder PO number concatenated with the originating site prints on the Builder PO header, labeled as "Purchase Order."
  • Since a Builder PO can include multiple purchase orders, the PO number of each purchase order is printed at the line level. Note that this number is not labeled; it is just the line number concatenated with the purchase order number, like this: line_PO. This is used for reference.
  • The site name for each PO is printed in the detail section just above the first line of the PO for that site.
  • Users can enter notes at the sites on each PO header, line or release. However, when you print a Builder PO, the notes from all the subordinate PO headers are combined and print out together. Thus, if you enter header notes on one PO that are specific to that PO, it will be difficult to distinguish which lines they refer to. You may want to enter only generic notes (that apply to all the POs associated with the Builder PO) on PO headers, or specify the PO number in the header notes.

The status of a PO included in a Builder PO may have been changed by a user. The only way to ensure that all PO lines associated with a Builder PO are included is to select all statuses when printing the Builder PO.

If you use the Vendor Document Profile feature to print Builder POs, make sure the Vendor Document Profile data is correctly defined for the vendors associated with the Builder POs being printed.

You can run the Builder Purchase Order Report at any site that meets all the requirements listed for PO Builder use in Creating Multi-Site Purchase Orders with the Purchase Order Builder. The report does not have to be run at the same site where the Builder PO was created, or even at a site where a PO contained in a Builder PO exists.