Setting Up Landed Costs

Separate vouchering of landed costs allows you to voucher freight, duty, brokerage, insurance, and local freight separately from your material. When you create a header for a purchase order, GRN, or transfer order, you can enter estimated landed costs. Follow these steps to set up landed costs:

  1. Find the purchase order, transfer order, or GRN where you want to set up landed costs, or create a new one.
  2. In the Purchase Orders, Transfer Orders, or Goods Receiving Notes forms, click the Landed Cost button.
  3. In the related Landed Costs form, select the Freight Vendor, Duty Vendor, Brokerage Vendor, Insurance Vendor, and Local Freight Vendor, as applicable.
  4. Select the Allocation Type (Percent or Amount) for each vendor you enter.
    Note:  Blanket purchase orders may not use Amount as the Allocation Type.
    • If you select Percent, you must fill in the Alloc Percent field.
    • If you select Amount, you must fill in the Alloc Method field. Your choices are: cost, weight, and units. Then enter estimates for the eventual invoice amounts.
  5. Save the record. The allocations will be performed according to the calculations below when you run the Allocate Landed Costs activity.