About Adding, Changing, and Deleting Purchase Order Lines

This topic describes the processes of adding, changing, and deleting purchase order lines.

Adding Lines

Multiple lines can be added. However, if you select the Contains Tax Free Matl check box on the Purchase Orders form, you can only add lines that contain tax-free imported materials.

When you delete a PO line, all associated notes for that line are also deleted.

Deleting Lines

Deleting a line with a status of Ordered or Complete requires that the Order Qty, Qty Received, and Qty Rejected fields equal zero. If they do not equal zero, a message explains that the line may not be deleted and you are returned to the form.

Changing Quantity

If you change the order quantity on a PO line that was created by the Purchase Order Builder, the cost, which might have been determined by a Master Buy Agreement, is not recalculated.