Maintaining Vendors from a Master Site

Use the Multi-Site Vendors form to maintain vendors for multiple sites on an intranet from the master site of the intranet. Keep in mind that each site can still control its local vendor records.

Adding Vendors

To add vendors for any site on the master site's intranet, follow the steps in Entering a Vendor Record.

When you start adding a vendor that is new to this site but that already exists in another sharing site, some of the information, such as vendor name, address, and payment hold information, defaults into the new record when the vendor number is entered. However, most of the information is site-specific and must be entered manually.

Changing Vendor Information

When you save a change to any of the defaulting information (for example, the vendor name) for a vendor with records at multiple sites, the system automatically updates that information on any other records for that vendor. This happens because all sites share a single "vendaddr" table record for the vendor.

For example, vendor 1 exists at site A and site B. At both sites the name is "Bob's Bikes." If you change vendor 1's name to "Bart's Bikes" at site B, then when you save the record, the name also changes in the record at site A.

Information contained in the "vendor" table, such as billing information and payment history, is site-specific. This information does not change at other sites when modified at one site.

Information Filtered by Site

These fields are filtered by the selected site. For example, when adding a vendor at Site B, you can only select currency codes that are valid at Site B.

  • Category
  • Currency
  • Whse
  • Ship Via
  • Purchases account and unit codes
  • Terms
  • Bank Code
  • Language
  • NOTC
  • Secondary NOTC
  • Delivery Terms

Maintenance Tasks Not Available from this Form

For most tasks, you can use the Multi-Site Vendors form in place of the Vendors form. However, these tasks can be performed only in the Vendors form at the specific site:

  • Delete a record
  • Add notes to the record
  • List goods receiving notes from the Actions menu
  • Specify whether to print VAT on purchase orders
  • Specify a tax ID number and tax code
  • Specify if a vendor is minority owned