Creating a job receipt in the Process Manufacturing Production Batch Workbench

You can create a job receipt for a selected job in the workbench, instead of manually creating the job receipt using the base SyteLine application.

  1. Open the Process Manufacturing Production Batch Workbench and select the Process Mfg Order (batch) number that you want.
  2. Go to the Jobs tab and select the job for which you want to create a job receipt
  3. On the Receive Production sub-tab, specify this information related to the job receipt:
    Complete Job on Receipt
    Select this option if this is the last job receipt to be completed for the selected job. This closes the job. Any job operations are marked complete when you click Receive Production.
    Quantity / U/M
    Specify the quantity to be produced and select the unit of measure.
    Specify the lot to which the quantity will be produced. By default, this is set to the Default Lot value from the Parameters tab.
    Specify the location to which the quantity will be produced. By default, this is set to the Default Staging Location value from the Parameters tab.
    Use Container
    Select this option if the item will be produced to a container.
    Container / Description
    If the Use Container option is selected, you must specify a container here. The container description is displayed. You can click Create Container to create a new container if it does not exist.
  4. Click Receive Production to issue the job receipt.
    If Complete Job on Receipt was selected, the job is marked as complete and no other job receipts or material transactions can be issued for the job.

    The Qty Ord, Qty Complete, Qty Scrapped, and Qty Remaining fields on this tab show the receipt status of the job.