Percentages and calculations in formulas

In a formula, you can change the quantity, U/M or percentage of any ingredient. Changing the quantity updates the percentage of the ingredient, while changing the percentage updates the quantity.

When you change the percentage of one ingredient in a formula, all of the other ingredients are updated proportionately. Assume you have this formula:

  • 30% sugar
  • 40% flour
  • 20% chocolate chips
  • 10% cooking oil

If you change the sugar percentage to 24%, then the missing 6% is allocated evenly to the remaining ingredients: 42% flour, 22% chocolate chips, and 12% oil.

Alternatively, you can select one ingredient to be the Percent Basis for the formula. In that case, all of the other components’ percentages are based on this component. For example, if sugar is your percent basis for the formula, then, using the formula above, the amount of sugar is always 30% of the total amount of the formula.