Setting up U/M conversions

Use the Unit of Measure Conversions form to add conversions between units in the same family. One of the units in the family must be chosen as the Base U/M. For example, if you select kilograms as your base U/M, then every other weight U/M in your application must have a record in the Unit of Measure Conversions form for conversion into kilograms. The same thing is true for the base U/M in the volume family.
  1. Specify this information:
    Base U/M
    Specify the initial unit of measure that is being converted to a new U/M.
    Converted U/M
    Specify the unit of measure that is converted from the base unit of measure.
    Select a type (Vendor, Customer, Item, or Global) to which this U/M applies. If this type applies in all cases, select Global.
    If you selected a Type of Vendor or Customer, specify a customer or vendor ID here.
    Conversion Factor
    Specify the conversion factor from the base unit of measure to the converted unit of measure. For example, the base unit inch has a conversion factor of 12 if the converted unit of measure is foot.
  2. Save your changes.