Creating a production batch order

On the Process Manufacturing Create Production Batch form, you can use a specification to create an order that produces a batch of the finished goods. Process manufacturing orders are a superset of the SyteLine job structure.

Note: You must create a formula record or a manufacturing specification before you can create a production batch order.
  1. Open the Process Manufacturing Create Production Batch form.
  2. Specify this information:
    Production ID
    Specify an ID for the production batch.

    If you leave this field blank, the system generates the batch ID when it creates the batch.

    To allow the system to generate the production batch ID, using the warehouse defined on this form as a prefix, leave the field blank and click #.

    Order Status
    The status is displayed: New, Created or Template.
    Manufacturing Specification ID / Version / Description
    If this batch should be processed using a manufacturing specification, select the specification and version here. Most of the information in this form is then set as default values, based on the values in the specification. The description of the specification is displayed.
    Use the default value or select another warehouse where the finished good or WIP product should be placed. This defines the warehouse from which raw materials are consumed.
    Keep Template
    Select this option to save the options in this batch to use as a template for future batches.
    Scheduled Start Date
    Optionally, specify the date and time when the process should start.
    Due Date
    Optionally, specify the date when the batch is due.
    Formula ID / Formula Version
    If you selected a specification, use the default formula and version associated with that specification, or change the version as needed. Otherwise, specify the formula and version here. The description is displayed.
    Revision Type
    Select one of these options:
    • R&D Formula: Select this option to use the current active formula that is marked as Approved for Production. Only one version of each formula is the R&D revision.
    • Specific Revision: When you select this option, the Revision Number field is enabled. In that field, select the formula revision number. Only Approved for Production revisions are listed.
    • Highest Approved Revision: This option automatically selects the highest revision number formula that is marked as Approved for Production.
    Spec Size Sequence
    Select a sequence number for the batch size. Batch sizes are defined in the Process Manufacturing Specifications form. If the Require Spec Sizes field is selected on the Process Manufacturing Specifications form, then you must select a spec size sequence here.
    Production Sizing Method
    Specify one of these sizing methods to be performed on batches:
    • None: Do not scale or size the formula when you put it into a batch. Only the WIP item job is created.
    • Formula Gross: You must specify a quantity and unit of measure. The WIP job is scaled based on the Formula Gross field value. If the formula has any loss, the Formula Net value will be less. This method is used in cases where container size is a limitation, such as using a finite mixing vessel that is always filled completely. For example, if you have a 400 gallon mixing vessel and you always want to create a 400 gal batch, then select this option and set the Batch Size to 400 gal.
    • Formula Output: You must specify a quantity and unit of measure. The WIP job is scaled based on the formula output. This method is used in cases where you require a desired weight at the end of the batching process. This method takes into consideration the loss factors that you set up for the whole formula and for the lines in the formula. For example, you might specify that you expect a 5% loss in the formula during production, and you want to achieve, after losses, 200 gallons. The calculations increase the formula gross to approximately 210 gallons, in order to account for the loss and still achieve 200 gallons at the end of the batch.
    • Factor: This method multiplies the formula by a user-defined number. For example, if the formula is for 100 gallons and you want an output of 200 gallons, set a factor of 2. Every line in the formula is multiplied by this factor.
    • Quantity Ordered: This method sizes the formula to the production output quantity. You define the desired output on the Processing grid. The WIP job is scaled based on the requirements of the desired output.
    Size Production Quantity to Formula Size
    This field is enabled when you set Production Sizing Method to Formula Output or Formula Gross. Select this field to size the finished goods to the formula size. Clear this field to use the quantity entered in the Processing grid.
    Create Sub Batches
    This field is enabled when you set Production Sizing Method to Formula Output or Formula Gross. Select it to enable the Min Size, Max Size,.and Size Multiple fields.
    Size Multiple
    Define this value if you want to "round up" batches, to prevent partial packages. The size is rounded to the nearest 10th, 100th, etc. For example, if you specify a formula size of 7 and a Size Multiple of 10, it is rounded to 10. If you specify a batch size of 85 and a Size Multiple of 100, it rounds to 100.
    Minimum Size / Maximum Size
    If the formula size is less than the minimum size specified here, it is resized to the minimum size. If the formula size is greater than the maximum size specified here, it is split it into multiple batches.
  3. Update the information in the Processing grid:
    This field shows the system-generated sequence number for batches that include multiple production ordered lines.
    Item / Description
    Select the item to produce in this batch.
    Select the warehouse associated with this process step. This can be a different warehouse than the warehouse from which the raw materials will be consumed.
    Batch Job Type
    Select a type:
    • Primary Product: The primary product is being produced.
    • WIP: A WIP item is being produced. This type of job typically has a formula associated with it. WIP is used for standalone items attached to a job that do not affect the formula.
    • Co-Product: This option is used for any co-product jobs that were defined during production batch creation. Co-products are scaled based on a percentage of the primary products.
    • Sub-Job: This option is used for any sub-job that was defined during production batch creation or that was created through an intermediate formula or through an item where Explode In Production was set on the formula line. Sub-jobs are scaled based on intermediate item lines on the formula job.
    Order Quantity / U/M
    You can change the quantity from the Default Order Quantity value that was set in the specification. By default the batch sized is scaled by the quantity ordered. Alternatively, scaling can be done by final or gross weight or volume.

    Confirm the unit of measure being produced. By default, this is the stock U/M for the specified item.

    BOM Item Source
    Optionally, if a BOM other than the default is to be used, select the BOM item's source type. This only applies if a BOM Item is specified.
    BOM Item
    Optionally, override the default BOM used to produce this batch.
    Job / Suffix
    When a production batch is created, these fields display the assigned job and suffix.
    WIP Item Base Weight
    This field shows the planned consumption of the WIP Item in the base weight.
    WIP Item Base Volume
    This field shows the planned consumption of the WIP Item in the base volume.
    Last Production Order Created
    This field displays the ID of the last production batch that was created.
  4. Click Create Production Order to create the production order.
    When an order exists in this form, you can use it as a template to create a future order, if Keep Template is selected.
  5. Click Production Batch Workbench to open the Process Manufacturing Production Batch Workbench form, where you can record transactions, validate and close the batch.
  6. Optionally, click Batch Ticket to open the Process Manufacturing Production Batch Ticket Reports form, where you can print a Production Batch Ticket.