Manufacturing specifications

You might want to use different versions of a formula to produce the same finished good. To handle this, you can use different manufacturing specifications.

For example, you might use different specifications in these cases:

  • Early in the year, when cherries are more bitter, the formulation requires you to add more sugar. Later, they are sweeter so you use less sugar.
  • You want to use a percentage of rework in the formula.
  • If you make cookies on your manufacturing line 1, you use one version of the formula. If you use line 2, the oven runs a little hotter, so you use a slightly different version.
  • You bake the same cookies at different warehouses, one at sea level and one in a high-altitude city, requiring different versions of the formula.
  • You specify different routings for one manufacturing line vs. another one, and the lines have different run rates or operating requirements. In that case, instead of having multiple BOMs, use different manufacturing specifications.

Use the Process Manufacturing Specifications form to set up specifications.