Printing a batch ticket or batch list

Use the Process Manufacturing Production Batch Ticket Reports form to print batch tickets or a batch list, or to review production history.

This report is typically printed when a production batch order is created. It can be reprinted later. This report lists all materials and the quantity of each that is required to fulfill the batch’s requirements. Next to each material is space for the picker to write the location and the amount pulled from that location. After the materials are picked, the picker returns the report, so that the material consumed during production can be recorded on the Process Manufacturing Production Batch Workbench.

  1. Open the Process Manufacturing Production Batch Ticket Reports form .
  2. Clear the filter to list all of the batches in the left grid, or use the filter fields to list only certain batches.
  3. Click Select None to clear all of the selections in the grid, and then click the Select check box for each of the batches that you want to print..
    Alternatively, click Select All to select all of the listed batches for printing.
  4. Click Preview to preview the report, and then Print to print it.