Setting up routing items for Process Manufacturing

A routing item is an item that is used as a routing template. When a new production batch is created, its WIP job routing is based on the routing item's operations.

You can create template items that represent multiple routes to produce the formulation. Alternatively, you can use a template routing item that represents a sequence of operations that can be used on multiple formulas.

To set up a routing item:

  1. Add the routing item on the Items form.
  2. On the Items form with the routing item selected, click Current Operations and set up at least one current operation, with a work center and resource groups, associated with the item.
  3. When you define a formula on the Process Manufacturing Formulas form, specify a routing item associated with that formula.
  4. In the Process Manufacturing Specifications form, use the default routing item for the formula, or override it for a particular specification.