Missing conversion for formula line item
On the Process Manufacturing Formulas form, a row in the Materials grid has a quantity. However, Percent of Total, Gross Weight, or Net Weight for the line is zero.
The problem in this case is a missing conversion for the line item's U/M. To solve the problem:
- In the Process Manufacturing Item Extension form, find the item from the affected formula line. If the item record does not exist here, add it.
- Verify that there is a U/M conversion record from the system base unit of measure to the item's stock U/M. If not, add one.
- Verify that there is a U/M conversion record from the item unit of measure to the unit of measure that is defined on the formula line. If not, add one.
- Define either the Conversion Factor to Item U\M or the Conversion Factor from Item U\M value and save the record.
- On the Process Manufacturing Formulas form, refresh the record and verify that the formula line now contains a Percent of Total value and a Gross Weight and Net Weight value.