Missing conversion for formula line item

On the Process Manufacturing Formulas form, a row in the Materials grid has a quantity. However, Percent of Total, Gross Weight, or Net Weight for the line is zero.

The problem in this case is a missing conversion for the line item's U/M. To solve the problem:

  1. In the Process Manufacturing Item Extension form, find the item from the affected formula line. If the item record does not exist here, add it.
  2. Verify that there is a U/M conversion record from the system base unit of measure to the item's stock U/M. If not, add one.
  3. Verify that there is a U/M conversion record from the item unit of measure to the unit of measure that is defined on the formula line. If not, add one.
  4. Define either the Conversion Factor to Item U\M or the Conversion Factor from Item U\M value and save the record.
  5. On the Process Manufacturing Formulas form, refresh the record and verify that the formula line now contains a Percent of Total value and a Gross Weight and Net Weight value.