Preparing to recall lots or inventory

Use the Process Manufacturing Lot Recall form to trace a lot through the system, in order to determine other potential associated lots or inventory that might be problematic. You can also use this form to find potentially contaminated materials and track them to certain vendors. This form can help you find problematic products before they are shipped to customers. It is often used in conjunction with Quality Control processes.

A recall scenario can be run on any lot-tracked inventory in the system and is not confined specifically to the Process Manufacturing module. However, it is particularly helpful within Process Manufacturing because you can use it to determine specific Process Manufacturing data points in conjunction with standard SyteLine data points.

To set up a new Process Manufacturing lot recall scenario:

  1. Open the Process Manufacturing Lot Recall form.
  2. Add a new recall record and specify this information:
    Recall ID
    Specify an ID or leave the field blank to use the system-generated ID.
    Specify a description for the recall.
    Recall Date
    Select a date.
    Last Gen Date
    This field shows the last date that the recall information was generated.
  3. USe the Trace Source Lots tab to describe the lots that you want to trace. Specify this information:
    Select the item involved in the recall.
    Specify the lot involved in the recall. Only lots for the selected item are available in the list.
  4. Save your changes.
  5. Specify the type of trace to run:
    Select this option to run a forward trace. A forward trace looks at any transactions that were created from the source lot. This is useful for finding inventory bought from vendors to determine how it was processed through the system, or for finding lots that were produced to determine the customers and customer shipments to which the lot was assigned.
    Select this option to run a backward trace. A backward trace looks at any transactions used in the creation of the lot. This is useful for finding the products that were produced, and for determining which materials were used in the production of the lot, to determine the vendors and purchase orders that produced the lot.
    Note: You can run both a Forward Trace and a Backward Trace simultaneously if you select both Forward and Backward.
  6. Repeat the previous step until you have selected all of the items and lots to include in this recall.
  7. Save your changes.
  8. Click Generate Recall to start the generation of recall information for the selected lots.
    The Last Gen Date field is populated with the current date.
  9. After the recall is generated, click one of these tabs to review the details of the trace:
    • Forward Trace: Provides a tree view for lots generated with a Forward Trace scenario. You can drill down into each lot to get additional information about other lots, materials and jobs associated with the lot.

      An example of a forward trace shows that the MM-Purch1 Item was consumed in the MM-SubItem1 sub-assembly, which was then consumed in the MM-EndItem FG job.


      If customer orders had been shipped, you would see the specifics of the customer shipments made for that lot.

    • Backward Trace: provides a tree view for lots generated with a Backward Trace scenario. You can drill down in to each lot to get additional information about other lots, materials and jobs associated with the lot.

      An example of a Backward Trace shows all of the WIP Jobs that made up the Material FG-0100 with the Lot MAIN61.


      In the example, you can see that FG-0100 was created from WIP-0100. The lot number associated with each production run is also shown in the left tree.

    After you select a node from either the Forward Trace or Backward Trace tabs, the grids to the right of the tree views are updated.

    • On Hand Stock: Shows current inventory levels. Use this information to determine current stock if any lots need to be flagged.
    • Manufacturing: Shows details about each production order: any jobs that were found when generating the recall, as well as the current state of each job. Use this information to determine which jobs might need to be flagged for further investigation or to halt production of the job if it is currently being worked on.
    • Purchase Receipts: Lists the purchase orders and receipts of the raw materials for the lots that were used in production. Use this information to determine how the inventory was brought into the system.
    • Customer Shipments: Shows the specifics of customer orders and lines where the product was shipped. Use this information to find customers who might need to be contacted or shipments that might need to be put on hold or canceled.

    The specific data shown in these tabs depends the type of lot and the direction of the trace:

    • Forward trace: For a material lot, the forward trace show what jobs/sub-assemblies the lot was used in, and the eventual customer orders that included material that was produced from the lot. For an intermediate lot, the forward trace shows additional sub-assemblies, FG Jobs, and customer orders. For an FG lot, the forward trace show the job and then the customer orders.
    • Backward trace: For an FG lot, the backward trace shows the jobs/sub-assemblies and all materials that went in to the creation of the FG lot, as well as the purchase orders that are tied to the materials. For an intermediate lot, the backward trace show sub-assemblies, materials and purchase orders. For a vendor lot, the backward trace shows the job(s) and purchase orders for that lot.
  10. Select Show Data For All Affected Lots to show all lot information, per grid, that was generated during the Generate Recall process.

    When this option is selected, the grids are no longer contextual to the node selected on the tree, because the grids are showing everything.

    The Show Data For All Affected Lots field is not used with a forward trace.

  11. You can drill into the individual jobs in the left tree to see the components and lots of the materials that were used in each job.
    In an example, selecting the details of a component on the left displays the specifics of quantity of the material and lot number used for each job material in the On Hand Stock tab. Any level in the BOM above the lowest level shows not only the details of the subject job but also any information for any job orders that used any of the materials associated with that job. This can be helpful if a customer calls with a problem about a particular lot, and you need to identify all materials and the jobs they went into, to halt production or issue recalls for other customer orders that used the same materials. backward_trace_2.png
  12. If there is an intermediate item, you can view details on the makeup of that item by selecting it in the left pane.

For information about recommended actions to take based on the information found in these tabs, see these topics: