Setting up warehouse parameters for Process Manufacturing

In the Warehouses form, set up the default values that are used for items from this warehouse when performing Process Manufacturing.

  1. Specify this information:
    Specify the warehouse where Process Manufacturing items are stored.
    Default Staging Location
    Optionally, specify a default staging location for products that are moving between jobs in a Process Manufacturing batch. When a production batch is created, the staging location for the WIP item is set to this value by default. In addition, if a staging location is not set during production batch creation, this value is used as the default when the WIP item is received. This is also used as the default location when the WIP item is issued to the packaging batch.
    Default WIP Item
    Optionally, specify the default item that is used to transact WIP among Process Manufacturing jobs. If this is set, the WIP item defaults to this on Process Manufacturing formulas and production batch creation. This value is overridden if a WIP item is specified for the formula.
    Note: Only define this if you plan to have only one WIP item per warehouse.
    Default Route Item Source
    Optionally, specify the default type of BOM to use as the route item source for Process Manufacturing formulas and production batch creation. It is overridden if a route item source is specified for the formula. This value can be different for each warehouse in the site.
    Default Volume Route Item
    Specify the default routing template item to use for formulation by volume. If Use Volume for Conversion is selected on the formula, the route item on Process Manufacturing formulas and production batch creation defaults to the item specified here. This value is overridden if a different route item is specified for the formula.
    Default Weight Route Item
    Optionally, specify the default routing template item to use for formulation by weight. If Use Weight for Conversion is selected or Use Volume for Conversion is not selected on the formula, the route item on Process Manufacturing formulas and production batch creation defaults to the item specified here. This value is overridden if a different route item is specified for the formula.

    If both Use Weight and Use Volume are selected, the item specified here is set as the default for the route item on the formula.

  2. Save your changes.