Printing Tab, Operations

This tab is enabled only when PrintingPack is enabled on the Optional Modules form.

The Printing tab, on the Estimate Operations and Batched Production Operations forms, is used to maintain the pricing, cost, and production quantities for the selected operation. The fields on this tab are shown on the tab header and sub-tabs:

  • Use the header to specify the Operation Type and Operation Type Code.
  • Use the General tab to specify sheet count, colors, dimensions, up/out, and difficulty factor for the selected operation.
  • Use the Setup Finish and Run Time tab to specify the setup, finish, and run time options to use for the selected operation. The number of options available to select is specified on the Operation Type Codes form.
  • Use the Paper Consumption tab to specify the quantity of paper consumed as a result of the selected operation, as well as the factors that affect that consumption. The number of operation ratings available to select is specified on the Printing Industry Parameters form.
  • The Material Usage tab displays properties of all items associated with the selected Operation Type Code. The Width field is enabled when the Operation Type Code Materials form specifies a dimension greater than one (1). The Height field is enabled when the Operation Type Code Materials form specifies a dimension greater than two (2). This information displays after you have processed the Printing Estimate Workbench.
    Note: The Material Usage tab is not displayed on the Batched Productions form.